March 18th-21st, 1999!!!

Summary/Tourney Results!

by: Brian Walker, Tournament Director)
(Edited/Posted at BOWERS CORNER by: Lynda French 4/11/99)

Brian reported the following details to us for posting results of the 1st Annual Texas State Championship that was held at Danny's Sports Bar in Houston, Texas March 18th - 21st, 1999. The tournament was played on seven boards (4 home boards; 3 add'l). Thursday evening kicked off an OPEN DRAW warm-up event. The draw drew 50 players from all across Texas. The entry in the draw was $20 (no Sponsor sale). At the end of the night the single elimination undefeated champions were:

OPEN DRAW (Thursday, March 18th):

  • 1st PLACE: Lilly Kidd and Doug Paben (Click Here for picture), both players from Houston.
  • 2nd PLACE: Johnny Wayne Crawford and Gary Ridgeway (Click Here for picture) (Johnny Wayne is from Dallas, but he has been in Houston for some time now; Gary Ridgeway is from Houston).
  • 3rd & 4th PLACE (shared by two teams): Ken (Doc) Strong and Don Valk (Click Here for picture) (Ken from Houston; Don from Austin) and Brenda Moore and Sylvia Martinez (Click Here for picture) (Brenda from San Antonio; Sylvia from Houston).

    Friday noon kicked off the Texas State Championship Bring Partner Doubles (Pro Division and Amateur Division). In order to get as much participation as possible the pro doubles had to equal O points and the amateurs had to add to +5. Winners were:

    BRING PARTNER/PRO DOUBLES (Friday, March 19th):

  • 1st PLACE: David Williams and C.W. Walker (Click Here for picture) (both from Dallas/Fort Worth area)
  • 2nd PLACE: Johnny Wayne Crawford and Mike Taylor (Click Here for picture) (Johnny Wayne from Dallas (currently in Houston); Mike from Austin (previously from Houston))
  • 3rd PLACE: Bobby Williams and Jeri Billard (Click Here for picture) (both from Fort Worth)

    In the Amateur Division, there were 28 teams playing for the doubles crown. Winners were:


  • 1st PLACE: Danny Norris and Del Ammerman (Click Here for picture) (both from Houston & Danny was our gracious Host at Danny's Sports Bar - THANKS and CONGRATS, DANNY!!)
  • 2nd PLACE: Mahlon Nobles and Morris Moss (Click Here for picture) (both from Dallas/Fort Worth area)
  • 3rd PLACE: Bill Rice and Danny Green (Click Here for picture) (both from Houston)
  • 4th PLACE: Tom Milan and Doug Paben (no picture available) (both from Houston)
  • 5th/6th PLACE (spots shared by): Bud Osborne and Derek Howard (no picture available) of Houston and Lynda French (Austin) and Lee Duncan (Click Here for picture) (Lee from Dallas/Fort Worth area; Lynda from Austin)


    Saturday at noon was the start of the main event, singles. But before we started playing there was an induction into the Texas State Hall of Fame. The ever so deserving recipient to join the elites of Earl Kelly, Rod Cameron, George and Donna Wilbur, and Harvey Kidd (prior recipients) was DON VALK OF AUSTIN, TEXAS! Don's talents of promoting shuffleboard for all levels of players in the early 1980's along with being one of the very first recipients of the Sol Lipkin award landed him, deservingly, into this prestigious TEXAS SHUFFLEBOARD HALL OF FAME group. Brian Walker presented Don this award (Click for picture of Brian Walker (Tournament Director) and Don Valk (Texas Hall of Fame Inductee)). Brian and all other participants congratulated Don and several players (e.g., Ronnie McMahan, Bobby Williams, Ken "Doc" Strong, Tom & Lynda French, and, of course his loving wife, Linda Valk, etc.) gave testimonials on Don's dedication to the promotion of shuffleboard from both a Pro and Amateur perspective. Tom and Lynda French also presented Don Valk a pleasant surprise in behalf of all Don's local "Austin Shuffler fans" --> a custom leather weight case designed/hand-made by Tom French and engraved with "Texas Shuffleboard Hall of Fame" to contribute to his lifetime memories for this very special event (Click Here and scroll down to view the Texas Hall of Fame case).

    Now on to the results of the tournament. The Pro division consisted of -1 rated players through 1's. The format was 2 out of 3 in the winners bracket and single game to 21 points in the losers bracket. Coming out on top was, the always tough where ever he goes, David Williams of Fort Worth. David went undefeated, not needing to play the single game to 21 points in the losers bracket and his opponent, Mike Taylor (a "1" rated player from Austin) with a huge smile on his face, took 2nd place. Winners were:

    SINGLES/PRO Event (Saturday, March 20th):

  • 1st PLACE: David Williams (Click Here for picture) (Ft. Worth)
  • 2nd PLACE: Mike Taylor (Click Here for picture) (Austin)
  • 3rd PLACE: Bobby Williams (Click Here for picture) (Ft. Worth)
  • 4th PLACE: Brenda Moore (Click Here for picture) (San Antonio)

    The Amateur Division had 41 determined winners playing for the top amateur crown of Texas. Edging out Kim Andrews, one of the newest Houston players (with limited tournament experience) was Eddie Guy (Dallas), who took home the amateur singles crown! Winners were:

    SINGLES/AMATEUR DIVISION (Saturday, March 20th):

  • 1st PLACE: Eddie Guy (Click Here for picture) (Dallas)
  • 2nd PLACE: Kim Andrews (Click Here for picture) (Houston)
  • 3rd PLACE: Stan Stinson (Click Here for picture) (Houston)
  • 4th PLACE: Bud Osborne (no picture) (Houston)
  • 5th/6th PLACE (shared by): Jeff Womble (Dallas) and Dave Ramold (Houston)
  • 7th/8th PLACE (shared by): Ann Walker and Sammy Stringer (both of Houston)

    The finals of both events finished up around 5pm on Sunday, giving the out-of-towners plenty of time to travel back home. There were also some challenge games and draws going on Sunday afternoon and through the evening. The 21 point losers bracket games seemed to be a success as Brian Walker did not receive one complaint about it. Most of the PRO's Brian talked to about the format seemed to like it with the exception of David Williams (he reminded Brian that he didn't have to play a 21 point game to evaluate the format (grin!)).

    Brian extends his deepest and sincere thanks to all participants and especially the following who helped make the tournament possible:

  • First and foremost: All the players who attended... we certainly could not have a tournament without the dedicated players! (Tournament Directors should always make a special acknowledgment to the players, such as Brian Walker has done!)
  • Player's Sponsors (without the players pool generated by the sponsors and players, the incentives and winnings would not be the same)
  • Brian extends a special thanks to Harvey Kidd for letting Brian see the light on the importance of Sponsorship and his great job (as usual) with running these Sponsor sales!
  • Johnny Wayne Crawford (Dallas, now Houston???) for doing the boards
  • Bill Rice (Houston) and Tina Wade (Austin) for the excellent bracketeering
  • Denise Klein (Houston) with her excellent talents on the laptop
  • Kim Andrews (Houston) with her superb assistance in the money handling
  • Ken "Doc" Strong (Houston) for getting the great deal on the tourney wax
  • Replay for supplying the 3 additional boards
  • David Andrews (Houston) for his help getting the player's pictures and for helping Jack Scott (Houston) in the mornings with board waxing
  • A Special Thanks to all our Shuffler Family who donated to Dub Rogers Memorial Fund (Randy Rogers' (Austin Shuffler) father passed away on Saturday while Randy Rogers was at the tournament) -- Randy Rogers and his mom Floydilla sent the acknowledgement note printed below. Our deepest sympathies go out to Randy and his entire family!
  • Lynda French (Austin) for her assistance in getting the tourney flyers designed and sent to Brian for distribution and for heading up the collection of the Dub Rogers Memorial Fund ($190 was collected and donated to Dub's Baytown, Tx Methodist Church which will go to Dub's favorite charities!).
  • BOWERS CORNER internet website (http://www.shuffleboardcorner.com): Thanks to Ron & Debbie Bowers and Lynda French for designing and posting a 'free' tournament "ad" and a special printable flyer on the shuffleboard website!
  • Special Thanks to all the "RATERS" and Ron and Debbie Bowers for all their dedication and hard work on the "BOWERS RATING SYSTEM", as without ratings it would be a nightmare for Tournament Directors to organize events and player qualification/placements in the events!
  • Thanks to Tom French for all his time making the beautiful weight case presented to Don Valk for his Texas Hall of Fame Induction ceremony in behalf of all the Austin Shuffler fans!
  • Danny Norris, our gracious Host who provided the establishment, and his wonderful Danny's Sports Bar staff who provided all of us a very professional service with smiles on those very busy days! Without a good place to play and a willing host that supports shuffleboard, we would not have a place to play these wonderful tournaments!

    Brian started this State Championship with the intention of it traveling across the state of Texas from year to year. Tenatively, for the Year 2000 and the "2nd Texas State Championship" tournament, is planned to be held Austin. If any of you readers/viewers have or can recommend a Texas establishment that would be interested and/or can accommodate a minimum of 7 shuffleboard tables and 100 or more players for future year championship tournaments, please let us know! See you all next year ---- "WE CAN'T WAIT!"

    Acknowledgment from Randy and Floydilla Rogers:

    Last updated 04/11/99

    Page Designed by Lynda French (Austin Shuffler)